Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Liking Dallas is getting harder

My route to work involves getting onto a major highway in Dallas. The person who designed this major highway should be fired, because whoever tries to enter it on any onramp must fight to merge onto the road through people who are trying to get off of it. (Did you follow that?)

And where I enter the road is even worse because I only have so many yards to merge over at least two lanes to the left so I don't wound up heading onto a different major highway that goes a direction I'm not intending to go.

Yesterday morning, I had managed to move over one lane to the left. I had one more to go, and there was a break in traffic. However, as I had tried to gain speed, the person in front of me stopped. I had room to merge over, but there wasn't enough time to gain speed so the person I was merging in front of wouldn't have to slow down. The old hag behind me (I'm only calling her that because she looked like she was in her 40s, which isn't old, but it's old enough she shouldn't drive like this or be so cranky because she had to hit her brake) threw up her arms like I had dangerously cut her off or had pulled in front of her specifically so she'd have to slow down.

And this morning, as soon as I entered the highway, I looked for a place I could squeeze in and merge into the next lane to the left. I put on my blinker, and as I did that, I saw the man in the car behind me immediately throw up his hands.

So to you, impatient driver of the black car behind me, I offer you an apology. I'm sorry that I needed to go east instead of south. It was rude of me to not immediately slam my car into the white van in the lane next to me so you could continue your route uninterrupted (that is, until someone else needed to merge to the right to go the same route as you).

I apologize for forgetting that your time is WAY more important than mine. It was selfish of me to think that it would be acceptable to hold you up while I looked for a place to merge into traffic. I'm sorry for thinking that you could have just moved over to pass me on the wide shoulder like the logical people who want to head south do; clearly, you're too important to have to turn your wheel to get where you need to go when I could solve the problem simply by crashing my car so I could be out of your way and you could be on yours.

In case I wind up in front of you again, I'll try to do better tomorrow.

Driver of the red Honda who is clearly in the wrong here


k said...

i (used to) design highway interchanges. when i drove cross country this summer i took note of all the interchanges i encountered along the way (yeah, i am a dork). and even though i only drove across the panhandle of texas, i did note that the state has some of the most f-ed up interchanges around... so i understand your frustration!

L said...

I found your blog through a bunch of my favorite bloggers' links.

I noticed exactly what you're talking about when driving in Texas. It's crazy!

I experience angry drivers here in D.C. all the time (the roads are totally messed up here, too). And I feel like my Nebraska plates don't help me any - proving I'm from out of town and not used to the ways of the road on the East coast.