Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sleepy ...

Friday night I was at work until about 8. About 15 minutes of that, though, was talking to the second-in-command in our department. I used to think she didn't like me, but the last few months she'd been warming up to me. Well, since I've been doing the job of two people, I've been working with her more lately, and I really think she really likes me now. In fact, on Friday I stopped in her office to ask me a question, and she said, "Can I just keep working with you? Can you just switch places with [the new girl who starts on Monday so I get to just be me again] so we can keep working together? I've enjoyed it." So that was cool!

I came home and started baking cookies again. I'd made some earlier in the week to send in a care package to K, but these were for a package for my brother. In talking to him since he's moved, I realized he doesn't really have any pictures of family in his apartment. I printed some off and bought a couple frames, and I resolved that problem! I also found him a cute Halloween card and put a bunch of cookies in there along with this cute little light-up jack-o-lantern that I'm sure I think is way cuter than my 22-year-old brother and his 21-year-old roommate will think it is. But it's the thought that counts. And what I think is the best part is that my brother doesn't know the package is coming. It's a surprise! :)

Of course, while I was at it, I got another package together for K, complete with everthing that wouldn't fit in the package I sent him the other day. I did manage to find room for a few more cookies. I can't eat all the ones that wouldn't fit in my brother's package!

I didn't get to bed until 2:30 Friday night from everything I had to do and getting ready for bed. I was pretty exhausted -- especially since I'd been working late every day on top of that. As soon as I woke up this morning, though, ER called me. She was going to be closer to where I live looking at some apartments. She wanted to know if I wanted to look with her. So I hurried and got dressed, then went to the post office to mail my packages and met her at the complex. She's looking at a really nice area, and what's cool is she'll be much closer to me than the 25-minute drive she is now. I'm all for that. :) A friend of mine I've met through my mode of mass transportation on weekdays also lives in that area, so we met him for lunch. I'm hoping they hit it off.

After that, I came home and took a nap -- a long nap. It was about 2 hours long. I got up just in time to see about the last minute of the Notre Dame-UCLA game, which was amazing. Brady Quinn is really good. I love football. :)

I watched Washington tie it up to go into overtime against Cal, and then I switched to the Tennesse-Alabama game. I wanted Alabama to win, but they couldn't pull it off. It was close, though, and I flipped back after it was over to see that Cal had pulled through in overtime. All the games I saw today didn't seem like they'd be that good by looking at just who was playing, but they all wound up being some pretty good football games.

I went to a co-worker's wedding party tonight. They had a destination wedding, so they had a party downtown complete with an open bar to celebrate. It was fun, but I really wished K was there. Since it was kind of a wedding reception, there were a lot of couple people there. I sat at a table with two co-workers and their spouses. It just seemed like something K and I would've enjoyed together. I really miss him. I haven't heard from him since Tuesday. I know he's fine and that he's just busy. He's started doing more humanitarian aid, which is usually reserved for infanry batteries, which his is not. He was excited when he was asked to do that. I'm anxious to hear how it's going next time I talk to him.

But for now, I'm exhausted. My two-hour nap was desperately needed, as is a full night's sleep before I get up for church tomorrow at 9:30. I fully intend on being more productive tomorrow and doing something other than sleep, watch football and drink wine. :) I'll let you know how that goes.

1 comment:

Courtney said...


Not even lame old Brady Quinn.


(p.s. I don't much care for Notre Dame)
