Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Can I go back to college?

Prepare for randomness ...
  • I went to bed last night at 10:45, and it was awesome. Until I woke up at 5 a.m. with a headache from the extreme toothache I had because my wisdom tooth is coming in. My third one in the last year. Ugh! My throat has been swollen since yesterday afternoon. I was just relieved when I realized it was because of my tooth and not because I was getting sick. I took an Advil, then went to sleep just long enough for Noodle to go stir crazy and wake me up because he was streaking across my apartment like he was on fire. Of course, by the time I got up to get ready for work, the punk was just resting peacefully on the living room floor. I should start making all kinds of noise next time he wants to sleep.\
  • I noticed not long after I got to work today that the hem in the bottom of my left pant leg has started to come undone. Sweet. Luckily, a co-worker had a safety pin. Whew!
  • Since I'm full time now, I will be getting benefits soon. I know nothing about any of that stuff. I don't understand the language, and I have no idea which options to choose. And I certainly hate having to make a decision on it. Luckily, they were having seminars on that stuff today. It was supposed to be a question-and-answer session, complete with handouts, so we'll be guaranteed to leave with a complete understanding of all things health care-related and know exactly what plan fits us best. I went to the little seminar, which turned out to be a Power Point presentation. The people in there seemed to already have benefits, so they already knew what was going on and just had questions about switching their plans. What I took away from this presentation was little more than I'd gone in with -- a website to look up for more information that "will answer all your questions." I didn't even get handouts.
  • While I was asking my boss a question about my benefits, I remembered I've been getting these retirement package letters in the mail. I thought Fidelity was just rubbing it in my face that I wasn't full time yet. I didn't have a 401k! Well, last week, I got a letter with a dollar amount on it. Whoops. And if I don't know about insurance plans, I sure as heck don't know about 401ks and stocks! My boss proceeded to try to explain it all to me, and it pretty much did no good.
The real world is so confusing (and painful!) sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting benefits! It's something I aspire too as well...someday. Good luck with figuring them out!

Courtney said...


Now Now Now NOW!!!!

Don't wait another week!!!! I waited my whole first year - I'll now have like hundred thousand dollars less when I retire than I WOULD have had had I started right away.


As for benefits - I just chose the minimum on everything to being with and then I talked to some co-workers and ended up getting a fancier dental plan later on down the road. Just pick SOMETHING for now. You can always change it next year.