Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Thank Goodness For the Gym, that is.

I am such a pig. Most mornings, I eat breakfast. If I don't have time to eat my bowl of Special K in the morning, I grab a granola bar and eat it when I get to work. Both of those are healthy.

But almost every day before lunch, I get hungry at like 11. I can't eat lunch at 11 -- I'll be starving by 2! So I'll grab a few gummy bears that I keep in my desk to hold myself off. Those are not healthy.

Then, lunch at noon, which is usually some kind of Lean Cuisine (they're easy, cheap and good), but sometimes it's pizza or a chicken pot pie.

Along with that, I have yogurt -- also healthy. But it's never enough. So at about 2 (despite holding off eating lunch in hopes of not being hungry already), I wind up breaking into my chocolate stash. I only allow myself one (every once in a while two) bite-sized candy bars a day. Thank goodness, my mom raised me to not eat too much junk food in one day. Problem is, in my mind, "junk food" is only ice cream, chocolate, buttery popcorn or cookies. And some of those are light, so they're not so bad.

Anyway, so somewhere around 3 or so, I decide I'm craving something salty, so I'll eat a handful of peanuts. (I have a lot of snacks in my office.) Many days, I get a Coke, too -- but it's a Coke Zero, so it's not so bad, right? :)

But all those things weren't enough today, because at 4:15, I decided, dang it, I'm hungry. So now I'm eating buttery popcorn.

When my metabolism slows, I'm going to have a serious problem on my hands. And stomach. And thighs. And butt ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, I hear ya. My stomach, thighs and butt are already dealing with the stupidity of my early twenties.

Gah. It sucks.