Monday, October 09, 2006

I jinxed us!

I was afraid today would be kind of rough at work. I'm the only Sooner fan in my department, which is definitely not short of texas fans. I haven't heard a harsh word, though, and honestly, I expected at least a bit of ragging. I couldn't blame them for a little, "Hook 'em horns!" or something like that. But no -- nothing. One big fan even stopped by my office, paused briefly and said, "Well, ya can't win 'em all. Texas can't either. We've certainly lost our fair share."

I wasn't expecting to be beraded by any means, but I was prepared for at least a little trash-talking. It is football in the South, after all. I'm not complaining, by any means, but I'm really surprised.

The big Ohio State fan in our office mentioned it to me as well. He said he was at a gas station Saturday and saw some people in a car with Oklahoma plates on it, and he thought, "Well, at least she doesn't have to make that long, sad drive" (talking about me). That made me realize that I never made that "long, sad drive." It was always a happy drive for me. Every time I came from Norman to Dallas to watch the game, we went home doing the longhorn-down with our hands and making O-Us with our arms out the window at other Sooners who were making the happy trek back along I-35 with us.

We won five years in a row. Last year, we lost. This year, we lost. Both years, I was living in Dallas. Both years, I went to the fair to watch the game, but didn't have tickets. Instead, I watched from a tent.

It's all my fault. Next year, I'll either have to shell out $200+ for a ticket, or I'll have to drive all the way up to Norman a couple days before the game, only to come down to Dallas on Friday like the Sooner fans in Oklahoma.

Or our team could play better next year. But that's beside the point.

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