Friday, March 17, 2006

10 Reasons today rocks

1. I woke up next to K. (He got in last night just after midnight.)
2. I beat HTML.
3. My work day is already halfway over.
4. It's St. Patrick's Day! (And of course I'm wearing green! This is the only holiday -- besides Independence Day -- that I don't intentionally avoid wearing the day's official colors and risk looking like a 3rd grader who's overly excited about the class party.)
5. When I get home from work tonight, K will be there.
6. I had a great night last night hanging out with a guy friend from high school who I hadn't seen in forever.
7. I'm going to Oklahoma after work to visit some friends.
8. I slept on freshly washed sheets last night.
9. I saw my blog posted on Celebrate We Will's "Other Blogs I Like" list. How awesome is that?!
10. It's Friday.


1 comment:

Isabel said...

Glad you're having such a good day!