Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Thanks to girl from florida, my background is finally fixed! Now, maybe people will actually be able to tell what my favorite color is. :) What a great way to start off the week -- by resolving something that had been annoying the crap out of me last week. lol

I only worked a few hours today, so I was getting home really early. I decided to call ER and see how she was, since I hadn't talked to her in a few days. Turns out she'd had a crappy day Saturday and today, so we decided to have one of our junk food nights. Whenever either of us had a bad day in college, we always got together and ate Sonic, Subway, Taco Bell, McDonalds or Little Caesars. It was our junk food therapy. So I drove to her place, and we went and got Quizno's. We took it to her house and watched Sex & the City on DVD. Then, we just sat and talked about our relationships. We were both in really bad ones all through college, and now we're both in great relationships with awesome guys. It's a nice change in conversation from the ones we used to have.

Yesterday was actually the 10-month marker for K and I. It doesn't seem like it's been that long. It's gone so fast! What's great, though, is we're both still so happy and excited about each other. I still feel lucky, I still get excited to see him and when he calls. We still hold hands all the time. It's awesome!

I've actually mentioned my blog to K a couple of times, but I don't want anyone I know to actually read it. K is actually starting to kind of tease me about it, since he doesn't know what I write about or where it is. I explained to him that it's sort of like an online diary, but that I don't put any names or anything too personal. But it is a nice outlet to talk about things that I can't tell him yet. I'm sure someday I'll show him this thing. So I guess that you can feel special because you can read it and he can't!

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