Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Weekend of movies & food

Obviously, I made it okay to Louisiana. I finally got off work at 8, so I got there about 12:45-ish. K was passed out on the couch, exhausted from a lovely 8-mile road march that morning. His roommate had gone to Houston to visit a friend for the weekend, so we had the place to ourselves. It was nice!

Saturday we watched Red Eye, which is a pretty good movie. I absolutely love Rachel McAdams, but I just felt like I had this ball of tension that the movie didn't quite resolve. I know it sounds weird, but K said he felt the same way.

That night, we went with one of K's friends to this great Cajun restaurant called D.I.'s. I didn't even really like seafood a year ago, but I went to Hawaii to visit family and found some stuff I like (calamari; mahi mahi; different kinds of shrimp, which I thought was tolerable before the trip). Anyway, I had never had crawfish until this past Super Bowl weekend, when I tried it at a Super Bowl party with K. So I was pretty proud of myself for venturing outside of my usual pizza/Italian/Mexican/quarter-pounder-with-cheese box and trying a bite of gumbo, a frog leg and a fried oyster. I also ate alligator, which I had had once before in New Orleans my junior year in college, and there was crawfish in the gumbo (my third time eating it!). Now this was all stuff that I tried from K's plate and from his friend. I definitely ordered fried shrimp. But still, I tried new things. This restaurant was great, though. The atmosphere was really fun. There was a great Cajun band (that's not what the Cajuns call it, but I've never lived in Louisiana, so I can neither pronounce, remember or spell what they call it, but I would guess it starts with an X) and a small dance floor, so several people were out dancing. The old couples are always the cutest.

Sunday morning, we just stayed in bed late and cuddled and talked. It was great. We actually got on the topic of weddings because I had been talking to K's friend the night before about his wife. I asked how long they'd been married, and he told me since September. I said, "You got married during football season?!?" I asked K that morning if he could ever get married during football season. He said no, and I asked if he really felt that way, or if he was only saying it because I felt that way. He said, "Spring or summer." I said, "What about the other two seasons?" He said he would just want to get married in the spring or summer, and I agreed. I would want to get married in a dress that didn't have long sleeves. And there are just too many good games on to get married during football season! Besides, I couldn't ask my family or friends to do that. ;) So we wound up talking about weddings for a bit. Nothing too big or too long, but it was cool to talk about it and realize we had similar ideas. That should make things easier. ;)

That afternoon, we went to the gym with his friend we'd gone to dinner with the night before. I hadn't been to the gym in almost two weeks, so on one hand the treadmill was about to kill me, but on the other, it was a good near-death feeling. :) Afterward, the three of us went out to Johnny Carinos -- one of my favorites -- and to see V for Vendetta. It's actually a good movie. I had gone in expecting to not dislike it or like it, but I was surprised.

Then, this morning, I got up, got ready and drove back here to work this afternoon. It was a really great weekend, but, as usual, it went by too quickly.

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