Thursday, March 16, 2006

Unfestive March birthdays

I guess I'm posting this a day early, but I think you can handle it. Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day. Does anyone else find it odd that the March birthstone is not green? I mean, of all people (besides maybe the Irish), they should be the most festive about the holiday.

***Okay, so I just checked out all the other birthstones, and I noticed the December birthstone is blue instead of red or green (but it fits in with the wintery colors, at least, since ice often appears blue -- at least in cartoons), and the February birthstone is purple instead of pink or red (Purple is still a feminine color. Ask the purple Teletubby. He was the one, after all, who carried the purse *ahem* bag!). But the July birthstone is true to its month, with the ruby as its stone. And November has the citrine, which is sort of an amber/orangish color, which to me says Thanksgiving quite well.

So despite the fact that July (and maybe November) are the only months that really seem to appreciate their holidays, I will leave this post.

I'm sure if August ever gets a national holiday, we Leos and Virgos will make sure one of the holiday's trademark colors will be green. :)


Courtney said...

As a fellow Leo, I say "here here!"

There will be Peridot colored streamers everywhere!

my life is brilliant said...

Heck yes there would!! ;)