Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Absense makes the heart grow fonder

K is out in the field for the next 10 days for training. It's not the first time he's been out in the field since we've been together, and it's actually one of the shorter times he's been out. After we met in May, the entire month of June he was out in the field, so we didn't get to see each other for the second time until July. But we see each other every weekend we can, which is basically every weekend he's not in the field or somewhere else for training.

In fact, the last weekend we went without seeing each other was the weekend of Christmas. Since it's all we have, I really look forward to getting to see him on the weekends. I look forward to the time I get off work so I can call him, even though most of the time he's still at work and starting to wrap up to go home. It's the official end of my work day when I call him. It's my reward for making it through the day.

So it makes me sad that he's out in the field this week because the little things I look forward to in my day and through the week aren't there. And it makes me miss him more since I know it'll be two weeks before I see him this time instead of just less than one.

I know it seems a little ridiculous and needy, but I am an independent person. He's just a very important part of my life, and it makes me a little sad that I have to wait two weeks before I can see my favorite person in the entire world again.

It just makes me appreciate even more that I have him and the time we do have with each other.

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