Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Habits ...

I got my hair cut a few weeks ago (nothing drastic, but I noticed!), and since then, I've gotten into the habit of twirling my hair. I think it started off innocently, just me feeling the ends of my hair to make sure the lady did a good job.

But then I switched shampoo and conditioner. I'd thought about upgrading to salon conditioner for a while, and I finally did it. I switched to Biolage, and I love it. It makes my hair shinier and healthier and softer, so now I twirl my hair because it's soft. And it's so easy to twirl because it's curly!

I don't do it while I'm driving or anything, so it's not like I'm endangering my life or others' lives to twirl my hair. I pretty much just do it at work while I'm sitting here for 8 hours at my computer. And I do it every once in a while at home while I'm on the couch watching TV. But that's about it. Besides maybe on my morning commute on mass transit -- but again, not the one driving!

The other habit I'm starting to slightly do is one I was proud to drop in September -- biting my nails. This one also started innocently. You know how every once in a while you snag your fingernail on something, or it chips or starts to break off a bit? Well, if I don't have a file handy, I don't want it to get worse, so I'll nibble just at the tip to try to fix it. But being the perfectionist I am, I have nibbled a couple of times lower than I intended trying to even out the rest of my nail. Whoops.

I have gone back to painting my nails clear again, which is what helped me quit biting my nails in September. We'll see how it works.

As for the hair twirling habit ... eh, whatever. :)

1 comment:

s said...

it's funny i was actually going to post the other day about habits. i used to twirl my hair, all the time, and it would make my dad so mad. i finally stopped. not on purpose, but i just don't do it much anymore. i also have a very, very, very bad habit of saying "like" when i am telling a story and i talk incredibly fast. i have been trying to stop both of these habits, but it is hard. i'll probably post something about this later on.

oh, i guess my only writing in lower case is also a habit haha.

and oh oh biolage, best stuff ever. every so often i switch it up with the suave stuff that is supposed to be a mock of it. it works pretty well. i can't really tell the difference.

wow this comment is very long!