Monday, May 08, 2006


The weekend, as usual, flew by. This one, though, seemed to fly by even faster. I left work Thursday to go to K's in Louisiana. On the way, I made my usual stop off at a McDonald's for my quarter pounder with cheese (no onions!). I stopped off this time in Longview, and I actually went in. Can I just say that this is the least McDonald's-looking McDonald's I've ever seen in my life? And isn't McDonald's supposed to be forkids? What happened to the cheesy red and yellow decor, with Ronald and the Hamburgler everywhere?

The first night in Pennsylvania was fun. I played designated driver for K and one of his childhood friends. There was hardly anyone out on a Cinco de Mayo Friday night in Pennsylvania, although everyone seemed to know it was Cinco de Mayo. Somewhere, there had to be a bar full of people. Not where we were.

That Saturday, we slept in and then drove two hours to where the wedding was. It was a pretty drive through the mountains. We don't have many of those in Oklahoma and Texas. One thing I really noticed and liked was the lack of billboards. They're ridiculous in Texas. You can't drive two feet without passing one, it seems.

Before the wedding, we went to K's aunt and uncle's house to follow everyone to the church. We hadn't gotten to wrap his cousin's gift yet, and we were saying hello to everyone and catching up. I didn't realize how little time we had. All of a sudden, K's uncle said, "We need to leave at quarter of." The way he said it made it seem like we had plenty of time to wrap the present. So I was taking my time, and the paper wasn't cooperating. I wanted the gift to look pretty, but I hadn't even gotten the paper cut (I had only been working on this for like 30 seconds, by the way) when his uncle and dad said, "Just fold it and get it done." All of a sudden, his uncle was saying, "We have to go now." There was no "We need to leave in about 10 minutes" or anything like that. I hate being rushed -- especially when I am doing something that I want to look nice. So we hurried and wrapped the present. My side wound up looking terrible, which was frustrating in itself, but then K, who wraps his presents differently than I do, got his to look great because his method works better for when you have too much paper on the side. I just went out to the car and was loading the gift and still feeling frustrated when K came up with a pretty flower he'd pulled from a tree. Who can be frustrated when your boyfriend does something as sweet as that?!

The wedding ceremony lasted less than 15 minutes, which was insane! When we were on our way from the wedding to the reception, I mentioned to K that last time we hung out with CG, she said if K and I get married, our kids will have really pretty eyes. Right then, "Sweet Home Alabama" came on the radio, which is our song. We started laughing, and I thought it would change the subject, but K said, "This would probably be our wedding song." Good thing he was joking. I laughed, though, mocking what it would be like: "Now the bride and groom would like to have their first dance as a married couple." Then, I started humming the opening to "Sweet Home Alabama." We laughed at the thought of it. Then, I said, "Well, it would at least have to be played. We couldn't not play it." K agreed.

The reception was so a blast. We toasted with champagne, and I took it upon myself to prevent the wasting of the glasses that people didn't drink. Don't worry -- I didn't get drunk at K's cousin's wedding. I was having a good time, though. (Besides, at a wedding filled with Italians, who are always making sure you're not hungry or thirsty, no one would have thought badly of me.)

At the wedding K and I went to together last September (the last wedding we were at together), I was called up specifically by the bride for the bouquet toss. K walked behind me on his way to the cake table and said jokingly, "You better not catch that shit!" A few weeks later, I was in a wedding K couldn't make it to because of work. I caught the bouquet. I was willing to throw punches to do it (slight exaggeration -- slight), but I didn't have to. I actually caught it without much effort. I wanted to catch the bouquet at this wedding. But it's K's family, and I didn't want to seem too eager and go all out to catch it. I was still going to try, though ... until I saw K come around the corner to watch. So I decided I'd just let the bouquet go. If it came at me, I'd catch it. Well, the girl to my right caught it, and she had to lean a bit to the right to get it herself. I just stood there. I walked toward K, and he said, "Geez, you could've at least put some effort into it!" I said, "I thought I wasn't supposed to catch it! Trust me, I would have caught it!"

And then it was time for the garter toss. K was at the far front and right of the pack. His cousin kind of sling-shotted the garter back like a rubber band, and it went right at K. He lifted his arm, and the garter landed on his finger -- effortless. He looked right at me and laughed. His aunt (the groom's mom) screamed, "YAY! You're next!" and came at me, giving me a huge hug. It was awesome.

Everyone had been teasing us before, saying, "When are you guys getting married?" and "So you guys are next, right?" So of course it was even worse after he caught the garter. Not that I minded at all.

K wore his dress blues to the wedding, and everyone was talking about how sharp he looked. I met the groom's brother, David, and his fiance. She was so nice! Their wedding is set for next September, so everyone was saying we could actually be next. And if the conversation K and I had a few weeks ago about August being a good month winds up happening, then everyone's prediction and the garter toss will be right!

Sometime during the reception when everyone was asking us about the whole marriage thing, K said something to me playing the tough guy role, acting like it wasn't going to happen. I had had a bit of champagne (and a cosmo... and an apricot sour), so I said, "Whatever. You're so gonna marry me." I forgot I'd said that until the next day, when we were at the airport and he started laughing randomly. I asked what was so funny, and he quoted me: "You're so gonna marry me." I had actually forgotten that I'd said that until he repeated it. But the good thing, I think, is that he repeated it. :)

That Sunday, we had lunch with his family. I'd had a conversation with the bride and her mother in the bathroom at the reception about K and me. They were both in the "you guys are next" camp, so we were talking about that. When we said our goodbyes that Sunday to head back to K's parents' house, the bride's mom said, "Good luck with the future" and winked at me. :)

I hope the good lucks, the garter toss and predictions bring something on soon!


Anonymous said...

Oooh! This gave me chills! Have you guys ever talked about marriage?

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a wedding to bring on engagement excitement. That would be wonderful!