Thursday, May 04, 2006

Thursday? Friday? Eh, whatever

I'm totally thrown off today on what day it is. But what's cool is that it doesn't matter because, technically, it's my Friday because I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow to go to K's cousin's wedding!

Unfortunately, this means it'll be a vacation from my blog, so you all will have to sit on the edge of your seats until I can post again on Monday. (I know, I'm sorry.)

I would, however, like to thank those of you who did not vote for Paris after Tuesday's Amerian Idol. I hate to sound like I'm rejoicing in someone else's misfortune. Paris, though, is only 17. She's very talented, and I'm sure she'll have a great music career someday. I'm just glad it won't be through American Idol. And I'm sure she'll be, too, when she doesn't have to give X-amount of her money to Simon Cowell. (Actually, she probably still will have to. hmm)

Anyway, I have much to do at work, and I'm hoping to get out early so I get a head start on my lovely 5-hour drive. I GET TO SEE K TODAY!!! woohoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun!! Drive safe.