Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've joined MySpace. I swore I'd never do it. (I also swore I'd never have a blog, but here I am ... But in my defense I saw people in college doing stupid high school-like things on blogs, like using them to vent about organizations or sorority things that aren't supposed to be discussed with nonmembers. They would use them in a childish way to complain about people rather than suck it up and express the problem to a person's face. Of course everyone would find out -- it's a blog! I do not use my blog for those purposes. And it's a secret blog, so there!)

Ahem ... I don't like to spend too much time doing such things online. It's slightly ironic to spend your time building a page about your life, then blogging about your life. If you're not careful, you can wind up not having a life because you spent it all online.

I swore off facebook in college, too. I knew it was something I could lose way too much of my time to. I only joined it after Brad and I broke up. He joined, so clearly, it was the only thing left for me to do. Plus, my best friends had been bugging me about it for months.

I started my blog for the fun of it. It seemed like a cool thing to do. I type faster than I write, so it seemed like a way to record my life in a simple way, and the thought that other people could enjoy reading about it is kinda neat, too.

But that was enough for me. I didn't want a MySpace page. I didn't need one. But Kristin had begged K and me to join for months. She sent us both multiple invitations to join. Then CG started on us. She made a page for Joe. I told CG and Kristin that one reason I didn't want to join MySpace is because I knew CM had a page, and I didn't want to be all weird and checking it and everything trying to find out more about her, since she's kind of mysterious to me. Well, Kristin informed K the other day that CM no longer has a page. There went my excuse.

And Kristin is really bad about keeping up with e-mailing, so it's a good, easy way to keep in touch.

I'm exhausted today because I made my page yesterday, then walked K through building his last night. I was up until 12:30. Facebook didn't take up a ton of my time after I got my page all set up. I can only hope MySpace is the same way -- for your sake and for mine, 'cause reading about my time online is would get pretty boring. ;)


Courtney said...

OH! Be careful!! It's SOOOO addictive. They had to block it from my work computer before I could really get a handle on my own addiction to the site. Still though, it's the first thing I check when I get home at night.


(although now I'm on maybe once a day instead of 90 times a day, so that's good)

And yes, if there's a ex girlfriend (or fiance) on there you WILL stalk her. It's human nature... and no matter how hard you try to stop and even when she installs a tracker thing that lets her know that you are totally looking at her page you will *STILL* look because you simply will not be able to drag yourself away.


my life is brilliant said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who would have that problem. I don't know what it is about your guy's exes, but they just make us girls crazy!

s said...

yeah i am also a myspace addict and friendster. god, they are so addicting. funny thing is i thought i was the only addict, but slowly everyone seems to be admiting it sucks some of their time away too.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Sucking the time away here. I came across a discovery the other day. Only it wasn't HIS ex. Oops. Although we did try to look that his up too. Courtney's comment had me laughing!!